
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018
They Always Do The Cleaning, in the house  On Saturday Morning. He Is on The ladder. He Is not In the Soil. Their husband Cleans The pink Closet. He Is a Teacher, He Doesn't Work the Saturdays In The School.   She Doesn't Clean, Because she Irons the Clothes. The Son Is Cleaning On the Table. The Daughter Keeps the Clothes. There Is A Baby Playing Next To The Mom.


clase  mayo 21 Nationality who is he? where is he from? where is she from? Countri Nationality Australia australian argentina Argentiano Brazil      Brazilian Unite states of america american Italy Italyan Germany German Iran Iranian Russia Russian Spain Spanish Poland poliss England English Turkey Turkish China Chinese Japan Japanase

Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency 100%   always = siempre 85%    usually = usualmente  75%    frequently= frecuentemente 60%    often = a menudo 50%    sometimes = algunas veces 40%    occasionally = ocasionalmente 30%    rarely = raramente  20%    seldon = muy rara vez 10 %   hardy ever = casi nunca  o%      never= nunca  I am ocasionally   late to university I   never sleep all day after working my mother seldom visit me my husband almost   never drinks liquor my son always drinks milk at breakfast my   sister in law rarely visit me I often go to church on sundays In the work frequently wash   hands me


ARBOL GENEALOGICO DE  MI  FAMILIA  This Is my family mom is dad´s wife this is me and this is husband  they name is Faver. Faver is Nury´s brother Nury is my´s sister in law. this is Nury´s son, they name is stiven Faver Is mother Is maria and father is pedro. these are my´s brothers  she´s Rocio,he´s Jeisson he´s Luiyi  and  he´s Deiby These are my´s nieces these are my parents´grandchildren  Paula,Fabian and stiven are grandchildren´s Pedro and Maria  Pedro Is Paula, Fabian and Stiven´s  grand father Maria Is Paula,Fabian and Stiven´s grand mother Luis is husband´s Rocio Magali is Jeisson´s wife Marcela is Luiyi´s wife Luis and Rocio are Natalia and Sofia´s parents Jeisson and Magali are Dulce Maria´s parents Luiyi and Marcela are Emely´s parents my husband and me are Fabian and Paula´s parents Natalia is sofia´s sister Fabian is Paula´s brother Emeli is marcela´s doughter Stiven is maria´s grandson ...

class may seven /2018

POSSESSIVES --- ADJECTIVES ´S = Significa propiedad de: ´S, no se le puede poner a un objeto solo a nombre propios  personas  o de animales Mcdonald´s     hamburguers Harry´s Domino´s G´nnos Orlan´s Mario´s Webster´s 1. Abe´s  bart,lisa and maggie´s gran father 2  Marge is Homer´s wife 3. Herb´s  Bart,lisa and maggie´s uncle 4. Abe and Mona Are  Marge´s parents  5. Bart,lisa and maggie Are Patty and Selma´s  nephews 6.Herb is marge´s brother is law my sister´s  name´s patty my sister´s  name´s Rocio my sibling´s   names  are Rocio,Jeisson,Luiggi and Deiby my mother´s name´s Dora Lilia

propositios of the kitchen

propositios of  the kitchen 1 . there are palntas in the kitchen? yes, there are a some plants in the kitchen on the table 2. is there a jar in the cupboard of the kitchen? yes, there is a one jar in the cupboard of the kitchen 3. there is a box behind the kitchen wall 4. there is a white pot next to the rotisserie 5. there is a mirror above the black chair 6. there are some porcelains on the red table next to the remote control 7. there isn´t any plate on the red table