Jobs in the family

my name´s Dora  Marley Lozano.
I´m a nurse. I´m work at Tolima Clinic 
and stady low in the university.
I´m married, my husband is an engineer.
but is unemployed. 

I have two children,
my son is e doctor, he´s  twenty four years old
 and works in the hospital in saldaña.

my daughter is an estudent the medicine. 
she´s  twenty years old.... shen´t  works.

my mother is sixty four year old 
she sells fish in the market place in ortega 

my father is unemployed, he isn´t retired now.

I have three  brothers
rocio is a lowyers, she works in bogota
luiyi is a vigilant, he works in bogota
deiby is a surveyor   and works in ortega


oraciones con profesiones

accountant= accountant person who keeps the accounting of the company

architect=architect is the person who designs houses.

astronomer=astronomer is the person who studies the universe

autor= author is the person who writes novels

baker= baker is the person who prepares bread and cookies.

butcher= person who cuts the meat with the knife and works in the fame of meat
